Dr Kelly Savery

Chartered Trauma Psychologist | Founder of Taproot Psychology | EMDR & CAT Accredited | DBT & Somatic Therapy

Dr Kelly Savery is a trauma psychologist in the UK.

Dr Kelly Savery

Originally from Bermuda, Dr Kelly migrated first to Canada and then to England, where she now resides and practices trauma therapy.

As someone who has picked up her life and started over in different continents several times, Dr Kelly knows what it feels like to be uprooted and lost. She's started over, built a community from scratch, and adapted to life in a different country twice.

 As a result, Dr Kelly understands what it feels like to not have roots.

As a trauma psychologist, she wants to help you connect to your strong taproot and feel grounded in your life. 

Dr Kelly always knew she wanted to be a psychologist. She was the eleven-year-old who empathised with her friends and helped them cope with difficult situations. Dr Kelly has always been an empathetic listener and someone who connects deeply with others' emotions.
When she had to choose a specialism, Dr Kelly knew that becoming a trauma psychologist was what she wanted to do. She loves helping people find their roots and build a strong core so that they can grow into strong, resilient people. She works with those who've endured trauma of all kinds, but she specialises in working with individuals who have experienced sexual abuse.

Dr Kelly's experience with trauma herself is related to being a woman of colour. She understands what it feels like to be powerless to circumstances out of your control. As a trauma psychologist, Dr Kelly has seen many trauma survivors work through their past traumatic experiences in trauma therapy and knows firsthand how resilient survivors of trauma are. Her greatest joy as a trauma psychologist is witnessing change.

When Dr Kelly lost her father, she didn't understand the huge psychological impact this loss had on her. Because of this, she understands what it feels like to go through something difficult and not fully know the root of the problem. Once she processed this traumatic experience and made sense of what was causing her distress she was able to put a name to what she was experiencing. From that point on, everything changed for the better. She wants to help you do the same with your trauma.

Therapy for trauma can help survivors of all types of traumatic experiences identify, describe and name what happened to them. Once you name it, you can face it and work through it. Dr Kelly understands what that's like firsthand.

Dr Kelly wants to help you build a life worth living. As a trauma psychologist, her goal is to help you understand your experience and live with the pain without it dominating your life. In trauma therapy, you'll figure out what living a happy life means and work through the difficult points in your recovery.

Your traumatic experience doesn't have to run your life.

Dr Kelly's Education & Training

Professional Doctorate in Counselling Psychology - Manchester University
MSc Counselling Psychology - Keele University
Bachelor of Applied Science (Honours) - Guelph University

Specialised Training:
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) - Accredited Practitioner
Cognitive Analytical Practitioner Training (CAT)- Accredited Practitioner
Compassion Focused Therapy
DBT Foundation Training
Supervisor Training